Skill Development



"Our mission is to develope skills in the global context to the youth of the state and to those who wish to upgrade skills through specified skills, knowledge and recognized national and international qualifications."

Aim of Skill Development:

  • To ensure contribution to the overall social and economic development of the state through high quality technical education and vocational training.
  • To provide world class training and technical education opportunities to the youth of the state in the context of the changing demands.
  • To ensure prescribed quality standards in the Technical Education Institutions. (including Private Sector).
  • To attract private investment in the field of Technical and Vocational Education.


शिल्पकार प्रशिक्षण योजना मुख्यमंत्री कौशल संवर्धन योजना मुख्यमंत्री कौशल्या योजना शिक्षुता प्रशिक्षण योजना (ATS) प्रधानमंत्री कौशल विकास योजना